Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Settling In (Mile 767)

Today was the first day settling into the new normal. I worked from "home," and Rachel and Nathan filled their day with errands, a nice walk, and generally kicking around the house doing chores and the other normal things you do at home. 

The view from my "office" was much nicer than our guest bedroom wall back in Long Beach ...

... but otherwise, this was a pretty standard work day for me. 

Which brings me to a conversation Rachel and I were having last night. When we arrived, we were aglow with the sense of having finally made it past the crazy of the move and the departure from Long Beach. We had two fulls days of driving under our belts, one stop at a beautiful seaside park, and an overwhelming feeling that we were on the right track. We'd always wondered how we would feel in January - the end of the "planned" part of our trip. Would we be excited to keep the adventure going, or would we be sick and tired of road life and want to blast back to the West Coast as quickly as possible?

As of last night (and right now), I say let's keep the party going!!! We'll see how I feel in a few months. 

Here's a visual of the trip so far.

1 comment:

  1. We are looking forward to keeping track of your adventure!
    What a wonderful opportunity for you.
    Love the view!!!


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